Online Educational Content Development Group +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Online Educational Content Development Group



1.1. Develops, based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems, programs that enable the algorithm and, accordingly, the task to be performed by computer technology, conducts their testing and debugging;  

1.2. Develops a technology for solving the problem at all stages of information processing;

1.3. Selects the programming language for describing algorithms and data structures;

1.4. Develops instructions for working with programs, registration of the necessary technical documentation;

1.5. Provides support for implemented programs and software tools;

1.6. Runs debugged programs and enters source data determined by the conditions of the tasks set;

1.7. Corrects the developed programs based on the analysis of the output data;

1.8. Introduction, modification of the information system of the "National Educational Database" (NЕD): on the material and technical base of the university; basic information about the educational process; registration data; dormitories; educational institutions; contingent of students; staff, etc.;

1.9. Input, addition, systematization and information support of information in the database of the Unified Higher Education Management System (UES) information system;

1.10. Maintenance and information support of the PLATONUS information system;

1.11. Maintenance and maintenance of information and organizational sections of E-UNIVER;

1.12. Coordination of electronic document management (Salem office), accounting department (integration 1-c), admissions committee, etc.;

1.13. Information support of the educational process, work with statistical reporting to monitor the educational process in the "on-line", "off-line" mode.



1.1. Administers the platforms of AIS "Platonus": student and teacher service center, help with QR codes; designer of educational documents (diploma, transcript); editing of educational streams, IUP, schedules, proctoring Aero Exam (testing), and others;

1.2. Coordinates the work of Salem office electronic document management programs, accounting department (1c integration), admissions committee, etc.;

1.3. Develops new programs necessary for the university;

1.4. Develops online educational platforms for the purpose of conducting mass open online courses (MOOCs) at the university;

1.5. The online educational platform is based on video lectures, practical work, assignments and test questions to determine the results of the course;

1.6. Placement of mass open online courses (MOOCs) prepared at the university on special sites ( ) ;

1.7. Analysis of foreign experience, development of proposals for improving distance education tools and technologies, introduction of mass open online courses (MOOCs) into the educational process ;

1.8. Development of a virtual 3D laboratory;

1.9. Carrying out organizational work on shooting and editing video lectures for online educational content (MOOC);

1.10. Supplementing the university information portal with the content of open online courses (MOOC);

1.11. Participates in the organization and support of the development of the online educational content system, namely the mass open online course (MOOC);

1.12. Participates in the introduction of new technologies in online educational content;

1.13. Participates in public, public and image events of the University;

1.14. Executes the instructions of the head of the "Software and development of online educational content", the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, the rector within his competence.


Malybayev Ibrahim Askarbekuly-programmer


Umirzak Guldana Almatkyzy-specialist


Toremurat Dinara Toremuratkyzy-specialist



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МООK (Massive Open Online Lesson)

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